Daniel Melkin Accenture

Daniel Melkin is Accenture’s Global Technology Lead for Customs and Border Services. He specializes in customs and global trade technology, advising clients from vision and strategy, to design and delivery. Dan has considerable experience working with customs and border agencies in established and emerging economies around the globe, helping them to address the strategic and technology challenges affecting the global customs industry. As an international development consultant, he has worked directly with administrations on customs modernisation and capacity building projects in the SADC region and beyond. Dan holds an MBA from the Sprott School of Business in Canada and a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering.

13 November 2024, Wednesday

Time Session
Chris Thibedeau Speaker Maqta Gateway / AD Ports GroupSenior Advisor
Daniel Melkin Speaker AccentureGlobal Border Services Technology and Ecosystems Lead
Chunxiao Xu Speaker World Customs OrganizaitonTechnical Attache
Aslina Binti Abu Kasim Speaker CustomsCUSTOMS COUNSELOR
Mupishi Miti Speaker Zambia Revenue AuthorityProjects Manager- Customs Services

13 novembre 2024, Mercredi

Time Session
Chris Thibedeau Speaker Maqta Gateway / AD Ports GroupSenior Advisor
Daniel Melkin Speaker AccentureGlobal Border Services Technology and Ecosystems Lead
Chunxiao Xu Speaker World Customs OrganizaitonTechnical Attache
Aslina Binti Abu Kasim Speaker CustomsCUSTOMS COUNSELOR
Mupishi Miti Speaker Zambia Revenue AuthorityProjects Manager- Customs Services