David Smason CargoSeer Ltd

David Smason is the CEO & Founder of CargoSeer AI, a technology company pioneering algorithms which automate Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) of Cargo for customs and border control applications. CargoSeer is on a mission to democratize access to automated NII, in the firm belief that every agency should have equal and affordable access to artificial intelligence. To that end, David is leading several large-scale AI capacity building initiatives for customs and border control agencies, together with multiple governmental and private sector partners. David earned his spurs as a Customs technology innovator while developing revolutionary cargo targeting systems, and prior to that served in multiple government and private sector roles related to innovation and technology.

13 November 2024, Wednesday

Time Session
Cristiano Morini Speaker Universidade Estadual de CampinasAssociate Professor
Hongye Wu Speaker China CustomsDeputy Director
Felipe Mendes Moraes Speaker Receita Federal do BrasilAuditor-Fiscal
David Smason Speaker CargoSeer LtdCEO

13 novembre 2024, Mercredi

Time Session
Cristiano Morini Speaker Universidade Estadual de CampinasAssociate Professor
Hongye Wu Speaker China CustomsDeputy Director
Felipe Mendes Moraes Speaker Receita Federal do BrasilAuditor-Fiscal
David Smason Speaker CargoSeer LtdCEO